Tuesday, March 20

I worked on Dad's sweater last night. Polished off one skein and added another, yet another long-ass body to knit. I still haven't started the sleeves. I'm sure, those will just fly once I get them started.

I went back and did word counts for the blogs, my total is much higher now. I'm stuck with my history, only because I haven't drawn out the world map. Because I can't find my graph paper notebook. Grilltech says, I gave it to one of the kids, but I can't see that happening. I think Grilltech stole it! I'll need to pick up another one when we make a trip to the store and an AAA battery! And I won't mention I've forgotten the name of the one of the countries.

Did I mention yesterday I'm sore? We did some yard work, mostly raking on Sunday. Monday my legs had lodged a formal complaint about the abuse they received. Today, they're still protesting. The National Guard maybe called in to settle the issue. Next Sunday, the whole process may start again because we have flower beds to work on. I think we need a lawn boy named Raul at our house. *snap, snap* Lawn boy, weed the flower beds. Oh Lawn boy, get me another drink.

Word total: 396


Lovs2Knit said...

lol....a lawn boy sounds like a good idea. I don't plant a lot of flowers since I hate yard work. :) I don't have the green thumb. :)

Carrie Penny said...

Hey, watch what you wish for, we have a guy that keeps comming by to rake our yards (my hubby doesn't do yard work and that is the one thing that I leave for him) he doesn't seem to understand come back in two weeks. He has come by three times and just decided that he is going to rake our yard, he started bringing his own rake b/c I locked him out of the garage...The really creepy part aside from breaking into my garage while I am not there or asleep, he looks like the "Rat Man" on the Stand.

Amy Lane said...

Give him a hunky name...Raoul or Felipe or Sven....or Wesley:-)