Tuesday, January 2

Happy day back to work for non-federal employees. It looks like a busy day here at the data mine. I would say salt, but that would imply physical labor. Those who know me, know I avoid physical labor like smart people avoid... Well I can't think of anything snappy to put here, so I'll just stop now.

Been working on Grilltech's sweater. I've completed one skein of yarn for the body. Only two more to go or 24 inches, which ever comes first.

New Eve Night was a lot of fun. We had the adult E's over for New Year's. We played Marriage Material. When you lost a "honey-do", it was required to take a drink. It was a lot of fun. After five games, we switched to House on Haunted Hill. (or is that Haunted House on the Hill or is that Betrayal at Haunted House...) The heroes won a game and the traitor won one. It was a lot of fun.

We played computer games yesterday. I think I was involved for an hour. Then I went to the store and lost my spot. The E's left about 15:30 and B left about 17:00. Grilltech made some hotdogs for dinner and we was in bed by 19:30. We are such party animals.

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