Wednesday, January 17

Went home yesterday after a trip to Hyde Park. I had a Mexican Hot Chocolate and Grilltech had a Keith Richards at Java. (I would put a link to them, but no web site.) Then we wandered over to 10,000 Villages. Nice little shop. They have stuff from all over the country and they're all paid a working wage. could spend quite a few $$ there. While at the shop, I picked up a hat. Grilltech asked where it was from. I looked, Peru. He said, bet it's made from Alpaca, then wouldn't go near that side of the store.

No real knitting news. I did some weight lifting last night. I was so tired by the time I sat down to knit, I wanted to work on something I didn't have to think about knitting. Icuras sat and looked pathetic while the new sock grew by about half an inch.

My Opal sock is coming up to the toe. I still haven't researched a new toe to try. I'll need to get it done tonight; otherwise I'll be doing a wedge toe. I have come to the conclusion; I prefer double points to magic loop. I've done two pairs on ML and I started the sample sock on DP, I like the sample one better. Go figure.

Grilltech and the youngest took the car to the mechanic. Hopefully it won't cost a lot of $$ get the leaking radiator fixed. And have the fuel filter looked at as well. I think the next car we get will be new. What will the neighbors think?

1 comment:

GrillTech said...

Our Neighbors? They won't say a thing. Now our friends and family will think we went off the deep end.