Random Stuff

  • The down side to coming in at 0600? I don't get the parking spot next to the door.

  • I stayed up late last night, playing crack.

  • Today, my eyes feel like sandpaper.

  • I completed one set of gloves, have one half finished and three (?) more pairs to go.

  • I picked up some royal blue wool last night, so I can make Dad a hat for Father's day.

  • I figure it will give me something basic to work on in the car.

  • I'm starting to feel better, cube mates can hear me now from across the bay if I try.

  • Honestly, I don't try.... often.

  • It's Friday!!

  • A friend is upset her soon to be ex-husband is already planning on getting married.

  • Its Friday!! Well, it is for Grilltech and I...

  • A short mini-skirt and knee high black boots just walked by my desk.

  • I had some bizarre dreams last night: an outside call center and a heliocopter which flipped onto it's side, causing the rotors to be driven deep into the ground. It was fine, other then it was on it's side.

  • I have a doctor's appointment on Monday. I don't think I can loose 50 pounds by then.

  • It's Top Chef night.

  • When I learned to type, after each sentence it was proper to put in two spaces. Is that still in practice?

  • Amy I picked chocolate.

  • I guess in order to loose 50 pounds, I'd have to make an effort at it. It's just easier to knit.
  • The alarm on my PDA is loud.

  • Hitting Logout, instead of refresh would be bad.

  • I should have brought something to pull the rest of my hair back with, it's warm in here.

  • Drinking hot tea, doesn't make it any cooler.

  • Trainee, quit bitching that he's asking you to schedule events for people. It's your job.

  • Day is half over!!!

  • They have a pool at the hotel, do you think I could get a handsome pool boy to feed me peeled grapes?

  • My left hand itches. Is that money or family? I can't remember.

  • Okay, it wasn't a mini skirt, it was down to her knees - barely. But she still stomps like an elephant.

  • The Yarn Harlot's birthday is the same as my older brother's.

  • My birthday is tomorrow!

  • Note to self: in the future if there are two groups which have the same name (kinda) be sure to seperate in the e-mail; because the subject line isn't good enough. Bastards!

  • Oh pool-boy! I'd like a long island iced tea, please.

  • The Gnome walked by and said, I don't sound any better. But I do feel better.

  • Oh yea, I came in a 0600, 0800 isn't halfway point of the day...

  • But 1130 is more then half the day over!!

  • One of the guys who I went through training with left about six - eight months ago. He's back.

  • He was gone a year and a half!!

  • I need to burn a music CD for tomorrow's trip tonight.

  • I'm starting to get sleepy. Do you think it would be noticed if I put my head on the desk and napped for a bit?

  • Remember this?

  • Yea, you're welcome.

  • Fine. How about this one?

  • Friday is causal day at work. I'll miss it.

  • Less then an hour to go, before the weekend starts.


Galad said...

I love your random musings. Isn't it amazing how many things pass through our brains when we are supposedly working? I like to call it multi-tasking :-)

Amy Lane said...

Oh gods... Badger badger badger... MUSHROOM MUSHROOM! The only reason I forgive you for that is that I HAVEN'T seen the evolution of the dance one and it ROCKED.... (chocolate...I should have picked CHOCOLATE!)

Amy Lane said...

PS - you have been meme-tagged.Pick up the nearest book.Open on page 123.Find the fifth sentence.Post the next three sentences.Tag five people,and acknowledge who tagged you.