Houston, we have lift-off!

Math is done. I've even completed four rounds on my sweater. I feel so much better. Don't believe me? I've got pictures. Well, I could have pictures. Grilltech would hafta take the pictures, then e-mail them to me, so I can post them. Besides, it's nothing but 2.5 inches of ribbing with a couple rounds of pattern that can't be seen very well yet. I'll post pictures when there is more to show off.

I've started the toes on Perky's sock. It should be done today because Grilltech has a doctor's appointment today. Which means I'll be leaving 30 minutes early. A good thing, because I'm tired of staying until 1430. There's a sentence that isn't right. I'm tired of staying until 1430. Must be the job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.