2/5th of the Week

Yesterday's gym nearly killed me. (Note to self: e-mail call Grilltech and have him grab my gym bag for me.) Tonight I'll need to load Amy's story onto the Ipod and read it while at the gym. Otherwise I'm just wasting time playing bejeweled. I bought it yesterday, because Teris wasn't quite distracting enough. Hopefully by next week, I won't be so wishing-I-could-die by the time I'm home.

Last night, I did several rows on the vest. I didn't have the energy to make squares. I'm getting closer to the arm hole shaping, which means I'm that much closer to being done. A second ball was added, another sign of being close to done.

Today I discovered Ravelry will now allow posting of pictures from other locations than flickr. Which means I'll be posting more pictures out there. I've started updating slowly. Is it slow when I added three of them today? While at work...


Donna Lee said...

I'm glad for the change on Ravelry. I hated the way flickr worked. I need to get myself back to the gym.......

Amy Lane said...

eeeek! Ravelry! I haven't updated in MONTHS! And I've only got four chapters to go on the story--I sent you the latest update last night.

I like last night's chapter.

Uhm, a LOT!

roxie said...

I may apply to you for help getting photos onto Ravelry. I have the one on my profile and have no idea how I got it there.

Asprin right after the workout, no Tylenol, and Good For You!!