1000 Words

What I finished this weekend:

What I've been ignoring:

Close up of the cables:

What I started!


Amy Lane said...

The gloves rock the house!

And I've got your package all addressed and ready, with some other sock yarn... I'm sending it tomorrow!

Galad said...

Love the gloves!

Donna Lee said...

Gloves! I don't think i could handle knitting 10 little tubes. My husband really wants a pair of gloves but I keep putting him off. Yours are great, I like the long cuff.

roxie said...

Those gloves rock! The gray cables will roll right along. and oooo- a sock yarn blanket? Squee! I love those mitered squares!!

emicat said...

great lookin gloves! The project you're ignoring w/ the cables is so puuuurdy - I love that grey.

Red said...

congrats on the gloves. The fingers see so fiddly.

Good on you for starting something new. No need to let all that yarn languish :)