Snippit Friday...

I read Holly Lisle's blog and one of the things she used to do was called Snippit Friday. I think it's a great idea. So here is my Snippit:

(Short story going nowhere. Its buggy and a rough draft; but it's mine.)

Devin had expected the best healer in the realm to live in something better then a hut. He went to knock on the door, only to realize it was nothing more then a blanket. At the throaty growl Devin spun, automatically drawing his long knife.

Several feet away a large dusty cat looked ready to pounce on him. Behind it, stood a young woman holding a bundle of wood. "Dancer, be nice to our guest." The cat immediately ceased growling but continued to glare at Devin.

"I bid you welcome." The girl said, dropping the wood close to the fire pit.

"I greet you." Devin replied, putting his knife away. Then he cut straight to the point, "I'm looking for Master Elis."

She shot him an amused look, then begun to make a fire. "I'm sure Healer Elis, will be along soon. Would you like some tea?"

Devin nodded, he'd have to wait but he didn't like it. He studied the girl while the water boiled. She wasn't tall. Her hair was dark and pulled back into a braid. It didn't take long, before the cat started growling at him.

"Dancer." The cat blinked then put it's massive head on it's paws as if to nap. But Devin could still it's eyes on him.

Soon the tea was ready and she brought him a cup. "There is more if you need it." Devin frowned; but returned to his troubled thoughts.

The girl sat and begun braiding herbs. Devin watched as the piles grew. Some went onto a drying rack. She worked quickly.

"Healer Elis isn't coming is he?" Devin asked after several hours.

She looked at him. "No, he isn't coming. She is already here."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He snarled getting to his feet. The low growl caused him to pause.

"The King has many healers at his beck and call, why would he need me?" She looked up at him serenely. "Besides, by his decree none may leave this place."

Devin stared at her. She knew and let him sit. "Why?"

"Never give up the upper hand in negotiations." Her voice was cold and hard. "You expected a man."

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

I'm totally caught up... keep going!