Still Whining

Everyday I drive a large nest on a telephone pole. (I guess it's a power line now, I believe our phone lines are buried. Am I showing my age?) Three years ago it was a nesting pair of hawks. It sat empty for two seasons after they left. This year another pair moved in. I've been unable to tell what kind of birds they were, I'd get fleeting glimpse of them. Now it's too late because they're gone already. Which bums me out, I enjoyed watching them fly hither and yon. As a replacement, I saw a doe running across four lanes of traffic yesterday morning. I'm glad I was going five MPH less then I normally do.

I have no idea what I've done to note pad, but it's backwards! (It's justified to the right side and the curser is on the left, until I type, then it's on the right side.) Since I'm unable to figure out what I've done, I'm unable to get it fixed. Even Grilltech, my personal tech, doesn't how I've done it or how to fix it. Well, I did his suggest I exited and reopen - back to normal.

My tooth was throbbing something horrible last night; I didn't get a whole lot of knitting done. Something about knitting lace while on pain meds is not my idea of a good time. Today, I'm taking half a pill to make it through work. The tooth may have to be evicted - damned failed root canel! If it clears up, then we'll decide what to do later.

1 comment:

Galad said...

I hate toothaches - they make everything hurt. Hope they get you feeling better soon.