Tuesday, July 25

Last night was a horrid night. We got to bed about 8 pm and couldn't sleep until well past 9 pm. It was just way to hot! About 8:30, I went and put the oscillating fan at the foot of the bed. Not even a dent in the heat. A slight gentle breeze of coolness, and then I would turn over, and break out into a sweat. I think about 8:45 pm, Grilltech turned on the air conditioning. He came back to bed and said it was 90 degrees in the house. Today when we get home, the air conditioner is coming on and off when we go to bed. The house should be cooler by then.

I was reading the Heathen Housewife and her adventures in knitting a blanket out of sock yarn. From there I ended up at Sner's blog. There are some very lovely knitted items there. Including a wonderful looking scarf called Liesel. I think I'll use that pattern for a Christmas present this year. The eye lash knit scarves are just dull!

I got to looking at the sweater I had knit last night. I had purchased buttons to go on it, but it was designed to go with a zipper instead. Grilltech said there is plenty of time before it needs to be done, so we can go look for the perfect zipper.

It's a caffeine day and three minutes until phones. I had a nice break during the middle of the day. A job interview followed by an Excel test, which I'm not sure I did so good on the test. One of my cow-orkers did so much better. Oh well.

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