List Day, Double Shot

  • How do you tactfully tell a guy, I've got your nuts in a bag on my desk....
  • It was pouring rain this morning
  • I've figured out what I'm making Convert's baby Preststo Chango (Ravelry) (Non)
  • I've got three days to come up with an adventure for the group
  • I'm got nothing currently
  • Okay, have the basis of the adventure worked out
  • Now need to draw maps and flush out the NPCs
  • The sun is shining, I'm having a real hard time sitting at my desk
  • Grilltech decided to break his pickup
  • Once again, meanest Mommy in the world! Made Havoc wait 20 minutes for his walk
  • Amy, Havoc says, You know I'm training to be a cage fighter...


Galad said...

I almost made the Presto Chango for Rowan. Let me know how you like the pattern.

The whole nuts on your desk thing - no subtle way to say that :-)

Amy Lane said...

LOL-- go Havoc! I mean, it's not Julius Caesar, but it's still a classic!

Donna Lee said...

You announce loudly, "Your nuts are over here".

The strips look great.