Work? Do I really hafta?

Yesterday's workout went well. By the end of the day, I was pretty sore. Sore enough I didn't finish my walk. The evening was okay, I put Bengay on my leg to help out. Which felt wonderful. Went to bed about 1830 (6:30 PM). At 2330 (11:30 PM) I wasn't doing well. Woke up stiff and in pain. Stretched out my leg a bit and went back to sleep. At 0130, it was worse. I got up and took some pain reliever and moved the leg around. Tossed and turned for another hour before having to get up and start the day. Grilltech offered to get the phone so I could call in. A tempting offer, but I have a meeting today. I'd much rather be home icing my leg.

I didn't even knit last night, instead I watched Chuck and Heroes. So I don't have anything exciting to talk about. Three cars at the bar this morning.

About an hour into the shift this morning I hobbled out to the car to get my lip balm. The temperature dropped enough I could see my breathe. It was warmer on the drive in.

That's right, screaming at the computer doesn't make it move any faster. So I'm going to go to break. Chances are it started moving right after I locked the screen.


Galad said...

Pulled muscles are so painful - I hope it is better soon.

I firmly believe computers know how to most annoy us - kind of like kids.

Amy Lane said...

Chuck and Heroes ROCKED--but I barely got any knitting done myself!