In Accordance with the Prophecy

And so it begins: the paranoia, the backstabbing, and the crying in the bathroom all because of an e-mail. It says they only have the company's best interests at heart. Which is very true; because we all know a company's heart is the bottom line. My only hope? I make it to December 5th.

Last night I finished the second hat, it's looks pretty much like the girl's hat, but the colors are green and blue. It's pretty sweet looking. I'd show you a picture of it, but Grilltech snatched it up and has to give it to the guy today. Otherwise, the hat might have disappeared into the void between today and tomorrow. (Given the current state of my desk the possibility of the disappearances is high.) So there is no pictures. No showing off how all the blues were on one side, with a single row of blocks spilling over into the green. (Picture the same thing, only in reverse green row in the blue side.) If it was laid flat, there was an almost perfect dividing line with one blue eye and one green looking at you.

After I finished up the hat, I pulled out Ice Queen. I have maybe two more hours to go on it. I hope to have it finished soon TM). I should wander down to the bead store and pick up another hank of beads, because I'm paranoid I'll run out in the middle of the row. (After 1800, when the store is closed and I won't be able to go pick them up until the next day after work and the gym.) Thankfully the beads I chose are pretty inexpensive. Then it will be one more thing off my list of things screaming to be finished.

Speaking of paranoia, I'm not sure what do with the mallard sweater. I suppose I should keep working on it and get it done before I lose so much weight it won't fit. Then I can find it a lovely home - or put it on display down at the LYS. I won't talk about the little voice in the back of my head whispering it's too small. If it's too small now, does that mean by time I finish; it will fit correctly?

I've decided how I'm going to knit up the Olympic scarf. I'll take liberty with Garterlac Dishcloth. Every two rows (there and back) I'll switch between the blue and white. In my mind it looks great (and it's done!) I'm hoping it turns out well in real life.

Back to the datamine; I wonder how soon before the layoff reach this side of the street.


Sandra said...

Been there, through layoffs. It sucks - morale hits an all time ow, but I know you'll pull through okay.

Lovs2Knit said...

You companies send that crap out to stir up the pot. I think some of them enjoy the drama. Hugs & you'll be in my thoughts!

So is the sweater "OMG this is only going to fit a 5 year old small" or is it just coming out a size too small?

emicat said...

There's whispering going around my workplace about layoffs too. It's not a fun time, that's for sure.

Here's to both of us sticking around a little longer.

roxie said...

There are two ways to be wealthy. 1. Earn more. 2. Need less. Best of luck with the proposed layoffs. That sucks big time.

Meanwhile, the Ice queen looks gorgeous!

Amy Lane said...

May the force be with you--the lay off thing can be brutal.

Must see the Ice Queen and Mallard sweater!