To the Knitter...

Grilltech's sock here.

The Knitter isn't fair! Want proof? Here is Knittech's sock at the brew pub.
Deschutes Brewery Sampler and SockDoesn't it look like it's have a good time?

What do I get? Started on the day they're leaving vacation, about 30 minutes before they walk out the door. Then what happens? The knitter drives for four hours, leaving me to languish in the bag. I'm only taken out to have pictures taken in scenic locations, but I'm not worked on. Multnomah Falls
Bonneville Dam

The knitter finally is able to knit, then what happens? They stop to get a picture and you can't even tell I've been worked on. Scenic Overview outside of PendletonIs it fair? Heck no!

Speaking of fair, the knitter finished a pair of socks for her on the trip, but me? She only works on me during break or if she has to wait for periods of time. I'd go on strike, but then I'd never get finished. I wonder if the shawl and sweater suddenly went 'missing' if I'd get more needle action...



Maybe I should point out I'm a simple knit, unlike the other two.Grilltech's Sock

Love the Sock


Galad said...

Dear Sock -

You did get to go on vacation so no whining please. Your time will come and you will be beautiful. I know it is hard to be patient but KnitTech has plenty of love to go around to all her projects.
A Friend

Lovs2Knit said...

Poor Sock, at least you were able to go on vacation and got to see many interesting things. I know it's not the same as being worked on. ;)

The shawl and sweater are looking great!

emicat said...

Don't feel too neglected sock. Your time will come! Those beer samplers look might yummy.....

Amy Lane said...

Don't let that sock get uppity on you--he's very photogenic and all, but he needs to wait his turn.