More Corporate Life

Connection to the mail server has been lost. Fine. I pull up my data base and start looking for the people who called in sick. Suddenly, connection is restored. Take that chaos! It's amazing how six inches can make a difference. On the other machine, it's warm and dare I say comfortable. I move six inchs south to the other machine and I'm under the vent, it's chilly which is making me crabby. Come summer it might be nice, but currently not so much.

Went to the 200 dollar store last night, spent more then 200. Ouch.

There was wind storm last night. My cat, aka the coward, went into hiding. She wouldn't even come out for good food. Poor kitty.

No knitting last night. I did start the heel of my sock yesterday, but I didn't start the sleeves. I really need to get going on them.


Amy Lane said...

I want to see 'Bella' when you're done--it sounds gorgeous! (Of course, I should probably log onto ravelry... bad Amy... baaaad!)

Lynne said...

Seems like you just can't win for losing! Not only are your corporate computers screwed up, even the interior weather isn't cooperating, let alone the outdoors!

Poor kitty - my large dog has the same issues, and hides in her 'cave' - the kneehole of my desk - whenever it starts rumbling.

Looking forward to seeing the finished Bella!

Lovs2Knit said...

Working life....I almost miss it! I skipped the 200 dollar store this month so I'm sure the bill in May is going to be painful.