Because I'm a Lemming....

If you could eat ANYTHING at THIS VERY MOMENT what would you be stuffing your face with?

  • Coconut cream pie, but I'd settle for a blackberry hostess pie

  • If you could warp the space time continuum and start and finish a project in an hour, what would it be (and what color would it be?)

  • Peacock shawl in flame blue or Louhi in charcoal

  • What was the weirdest thing to happen to you all day?

  • It's been discovered that 06 April 2009 does not exist on one of our webpage’s. I told the Gnome, I'm not coming in Monday because it doesn't exist. He keeps telling me it does, but computers don't lie.

  • What was the funniest thing someone said to you today?

  • In answer to the question what do you call you're wearing? It's a shrug. A what? A shrug (complete with gesture).

  • What was today's songworm?

  • Cotton Eye Joe

  • What was the thing you did today you were proudest of?

  • I didn't once think I should have the peasants beheaded for doing annoying things like trying to broadside me in traffic, or the teller who nicely said, you’ll need to come in for that transaction. OMG, does this really mean I’m becoming an adult?

  • What was the dumbest thing you did today?

  • I tinked a row (not quite 300 stitches) when I didn't need to

  • What was the most same ol' same ol'?

  • Work, same damn reports, same weekly meeting, ohhh home early? Hellyea!

  • What was the best thing about your region today?

  • Pounding thunderstorms (two days ago) or (today's) snow flurries - that Grilltech is out BBQing in

  • What color was your day, and would you knit a project with it?

  • Pink, gold, purple, and black. I'd knit a delicate shawl to remind me of the sunset I watched
  • 1 comment:

    Amy Lane said...

    Beautiful. I LOVE reading people's answers to this one-and I REALLY like your colors!