Almost a sweater....

Hopefully I'm back to semi regular blogging. Hopefully that is, because I'll be going into training soon. I'll be the flunky. w00t

The sweater is so close to being done. No longer a 1000 miles away, a measly 100 miles. Far enough to be trying; but close enough to make me crazy. I've listening to the voice in my head, the one who says fun things like are you sure it's going to fit? It looks a bit small. You won't be able to wear it next year if you lose all the weight and other fun thing. So I moved the stitches onto the 47 inch needle and tried it on. Because you know, it's so. freaking. close. to. being. done. It's very form fitting - code for snug - but looks AMAZING. Yea, I know it's almost spring and the sweater is mostly done. I'd call it done now, but a shoulder less sweater isn't any good. So, I'm still knitting on it.

On Sunday Grilltech and I went out to breakfast. Since it was a spur of the moment type thing - we were on the way to the store when we pulled into the restaurant - I didn't have my knitting with me. To entertain myself, I started spinning my wedding ring. Not my real one; it's on a chain. All was going well, until... It bounced off the knife then rolled across the table cackling the whole time. Once it had enough speed, it launched itself off the table, aiming for the wall. At the wall, it slid down and hid under the booth seat. We looked at each other then he said it's gone. It's a good thing it was a two dollar stone ring. Otherwise a) I wouldn't have been spinning it and b) we'd still be there looking for it.


emicat said...

I'd have been on my hands and knees lookin for it too, had it been the real one :) Glad you didn't have to stress about having to do that (although losing a ring isn't always fun either).

Now you know not to leave w/o your knitting no matter what! :) I've been scolded by other knitters for not having my knitting with me at all times hehehe

Amy Lane said...

I've lost mine from the last weight loss--it's somewhere in the house... and since I've gained weight again, it would fit!!!