Wednesday, October 10th

No real knitting progress to report. I'm to the heel on Grilltech's charcoal sock. I've made about four inches on the second purple and teal (Turquoise?) sock. It's amazing how much knitting can be done at the ER. (MIL, you may want to stop reading and call. On the other hand, I should make him call you.) I added about .25 of ribbing, and the rest is straight knit. I would have gotten more done, but I was bored of knitting. Yes, bored. of. knitting.

I was sick on Thursday and Friday of last week. Grilltech wasn't feeling well on Friday. He thought he was passing a kidney stone. By Monday, he can hardly do more then hobble around. We call the doctor and she said, go to the ER so they can do a CAT scan. (I said, we've got four cats, why do we need to go to the ER?) Anyway turns out it's not a kidney stone, but an infection. He's on two strong antibiotics and pain meds. They offered the choice of staying at the hospital or going home. He opted for home. I asked what to watch for, and home we came. Last night, he was much cooler to the touch, so I think he's on the mend. Tomorrow we have a doctor's appointment, so maybe we'll know more.

Anyway, I'm off to (maybe) knit.


Amy Lane said...

Ooooh...SKEERY! Hope Grilltech is all better, and you get some knitting done to soothe your nerves!

Carrie Penny said...

Tell him to get well soon! Kidney anything isn't that much fun!

Lynne said...

Do hope that GrillTech's improvement continues. Having more than one adult ill at a time in a household is horrible!

Now, the REAL problem. The boredom with knitting, I mean. Are you in the throes of advanced startitis? Where you've quit starting new projects because there are already so many UFO's around that you're feeling guilty? A cure - frog the oldest three projects, and go buy some new lush yarn!

sheila said...

It's never fun to have a sick one in the house, and from my experience the "bigger kids" aka, husbands, seem to be worse then the 4 year olds!

As for being bored with knitting, it happens! I usually get bored with it around February/March and won't pick up the needles for about 3 weeks. I am sure that you will get over it soon, as you will most likely find something that you HAVE to knit!

Mr. Shife said...

I guess those home cat scans are as good as they used to be. Hope Grilltech is feeling better. Have a nice weekend.