In the past 17 years, we have…

Moved four times.
Lost five wedding rings. (One in the bedroom!!)
Raised two lovely young ladies.
Worked at the same job site, twice.
Held hands when no other comfort would do.
Laughed at ourselves and the world.
Cheered at triumphs.
Worried at illnesses.
Fought over trivial and silly things.
Kissed each morning and night.

I think I’m ready for another 30 years or so. Happy anniversary Grilltech!


Lynne said...

Seventeen years! Congratulations!

Lovs2Knit said...


Sandra said...

sweet! We're halfway through our 16th year. COngratulations!

Sandra said...

...and in response to your comment - cute for boys ends at about age 4. Now, it's all about scary, gross or gory. Fun.

Amy Lane said...

Aww... congratulations--that's awesome!