Monday, August 20th

I've mostly finished it. I still need to block the damn thing, but it's done knitting wise. I've started the new project. It's a Shaker sweater, child's size because it's a sample for the shop.

Grilltech and I went stargazing Saturday night. It was a nice night, a bit on the chilly side. So I'm happy the shawl is mostly done. Hopefully the kitchen sink won't have Grilltech's brewing in it all day again. (I can't complain too much, because I'll get to drink some yummy brews.) He racked the Mead into the secondary carboy filled with peaches, then he made Frozen Bunny Beer.

And now for something completely different: (thanks Curlerchick)

Are you a knitter?

You are a masterful knitter! I don't know how you got this result, but what the hell... Enjoy your title, and try selling some of your "unvented" patterns- you may make enough for that bundle of qiviut you've been drooling over...

Take this quiz!

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Carrie Penny said...

I like the shawl, the contrasting color is really neat!

sheila said...

The shawl turned out great! Now I can't wait to hear how the brew turns out!