Friday, December 28th

I'm off to a good start today. It's snowing and very slick out there. I fishtailed a few times on the drive to work. Two of the co-workers called in sick, so it's just me. I'm already behind. On the plus side, the morning reskill gives me a few minutes to read. Guess today will make up for Wednesday's slowness.

I made it home and enjoyed shoveling the drive way. Tomorrow Grilltech gets to do shovel, because we're suppose to get more tonight.

My's socks should be done today, Saturday at the latest. I'm using Berroco Sox 1422 yarn. The color is amazing. Grilltech stated he'd be willing to wear a pair of socks made in the color way. The problem? I'm not even half way through the skein and I've found two knots. I'm not pleased. I have a very low tolerance for knots.

1 comment:

Amy Lane said...

Hee hee...'low tolerance for knots'-there has got to be some sort of self-help group for knitters with that name...somebody has to make it their blog's just such an understatement for us, isn't it?