I'm a Dumbass...

I had jury duty again this week. I had to show up this time, which meant I had to be there at 0800. I took out Grilltech's socks because we're not suppose to have any knitting needles or crochet hooks at the court house. I dug out some wood DPNS and cotton yarn, put them into my bag because I'm not one to not have any knitting around.

I'm standing in line with my purse in the plastic bin. It goes through the X-ray machine while I walk through the metal detector, which goes off on me. I had to stand with my arm spread while the guard wands me. Mean while, my purse is sent through three times. I get sent over and the guard asks me to pull out my keys. I hand them to him, and the purse goes through again. He shakes his head tells me, there is something else in my purse. So I start digging and pull out a small knife. Fuck! I'm such a dumbass. He looks at me, gives me a lecture about not bringing weapons to the court house and since I was a juror he would be nice and hold it for me.

He then asks if I have any crochet hooks for the yarn in my purse. I look him straight in the eye and tell him, honestly Nope, no crochet hooks. He didn't notice the wood needles and I wasn't going to point them out.

Yip, I'm a lying dumbass but it was worth it.


Donna Lee said...

I made it safely through the two weeks of my federal jury duty without having to go in once. I had some knitting all planned out to take with me but I never needed it (until the next summons!)

I always thought I'd use some old wooden needles that wouldn't show up as dangerous on the xray machine (not my nice stilletto pointed sock needles by signature!)

Galad said...

If you can take knitting needles on a plane, I'd think you could have them in the courthouse. Seems right to me :-)

emicat said...

Last time I was called for jury duty, I thought I'd try to sneak in some wooden dpns, but the large "ABSOLUTELY NO KNITTING NEEDLES!" kinda made me chicken out :) What a perfect place to kill time and be able to knit, but alas.

roxie said...

The problem with knitting needles at jury duty is that you are bringing sharp sticks into an area where there are lots of people with poor impulse control. Pencils and stick pens should also be contraband. But, since they're not, you could always coat the points of a pair of pencils with nail polish so the graphite doesn't mark the yarn, and knit with pencils instead of needles.

Amy Lane said...

hee hee hee... I usually bring wooden needles and knit happily away.