List Day!

  • There were two cars this morning
  • One more inch to go before I can start the third element in this pattern
  • Started another project, this one is on size eight needles - talk about fast knit
  • Its nice to know I'm my usual charming, elegant self - I spilled soda down the front of my shirt
  • Nice. I asked for clarification of something a lead said, now he's over bitching to his crew they misunderstood me (He was talked to because what he said was a big NO-NO)
  • Both me and Convert looked at each other and shook our heads
  • Some how I managed to right align my text in notepad
  • I typed something personal to the Troll, who I thought was Grilltech
  • Thankfully, he laughed and kept his she's such a dumbass thoughts to himself
  • Smarties have grown
  • A blue jay visits the squirrel feeder
  • Squirrels also get crabby when a certain puppy harasses them
  • I was taken for a drag, Havoc is so happy to go around the block
  • The neighbor's oldest boy is a college grad and now working
  • I won't mention he's still living at home
  • Oh wait
  • Used the last of the squirrel food, they better make it last more than a day
  • I keep working on this project and think man that's GOR-eous
  • Fran thought about accompaning us on the walk, but the big scary cars made her change her mind
  • I might even be able to read blogs this weekend
  • But somehow I doubt it, I'm frantically knit gifts I swore I wasn't going to do
  • Yea, I'm a dumbass
  • I'm starting to get hungry and Grilltech won't be home for another hour
  • Remember Radar Love? Did you know Devil Made Me Do It was a follow up?
  • Heck, I didn't even realize they made a video for it
  • My all time favorite Golden Earring song
  • Amy, this one is for Mate (and it's not the one I wanted)


Amy Lane said...

Awww... Mate approves! Your puppy is so cute, the squirrels should get over themselves!

roxie said...

It's not the squirrels who have been emptying the feeder - it's those greedy jays!