
It literally has been too hot to do much of anything. Breathing and sweating is pretty much the only activity I'm wanting to do. And honestly I'd much rather not sweat. It's also - brace yourselves - too hot to knit. I've been working on the puzzle top, which is a cotton, but it still sticks to my hand.

Today was stormy and much cooler than the past two weeks. I even made it to karate. I walked around the block once I got home. Along the way, I saw these two:

I don't know why it rotated, it was straight before it was uploaded.


Donna Lee said...

We're having a breather here. At least for a few days, it's possible to hold some yarn and not feel like it's adding to the temp.

Hang in there. Summer iw winding down.

roxie said...

A peacock? Hoo boy - those guys are screamers. I understand there's good eating on them if GrillTech needs a challenge.

Amy Lane said...

Yeah, LOTS of people claim to have been straight before the internet... I'm not buying...

Megan said...

I know what you mean about the weather. It's been too hot to knit here too.