A 1000 Words

Last Friday Havoc was fixed. Afterward he was was looking pretty sad. Two days later, he was bouncing around wanting to play.
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Saturday, we went to McCall. Really didn't get much in the way of pictures. (I did get some yarn....)
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Forth of July was fun, we set off our own fireworks. Nothing like a bunch of pyro's playing with fire.
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roxie said...

Havock is such a handsome boy! Even with the fancy collar, his charm shows through. You're a good mommy!

Pyros and fireworks - at least you didn't build your own.

Amy Lane said...

Happy fourth! I hope you enjoyed getting to blow s*** up! (Poor Havoc... can't be a dog of war without balls, now can you?)

Amy Lane said...

Happy fourth! I hope you enjoyed getting to blow s*** up! (Poor Havoc... can't be a dog of war without balls, now can you?)