It's been a day

I'm in hell. Saturday night, I chipped a tooth flossing. Flossing! I have a dentist appointment on Tuesday, so it will be taken care of soon(tm). I have a regular doctor's appointment in the afternoon, since the sinus headache is coming back. I'll be glad when the sick winter season is over.

On the plus side, I finished Grilltech's Shaker Sweater Sunday night. (I'm in hell, remember?) The sleeves are eight inches too long. Of course they are. The only thing I can figure out is I didn't decrease often enough when the sleeves were attached. So I'll be cutting back seven inches and binding off to make them shorter. Four years ago, I wouldn't even had such a thought in my head. I would have ripped the whole yoke back and put the naughty sweater in time out. Last night, when the thought popped into my head I didn't break into a cold sweat.

With the Shaker Sweater out of the way, I'll now have more time to knit on Ice Queen. And start thinking about my next big project.


Mr. Shife said...

Hope you are feeling better. Sounds like a crummy weekend. At least the weather finally got nice. Look forward to hearing that first album.

Lynne said...

And I thought I was the Queen of Weird Happenings. Flossing???

It must be a very Norse hell, though - you must be freezing! Or is all that cold air east of you?

8" too long? Now you know why they seemed interminable, lol! Glad you knit bravely, instead of frogging.

Lovs2Knit said...

Chipped tooth flossing, sleeves to long, not feeling well....yup that sounds like hell to me.

I haven't done the sleeves to long bit but I have made them way to short. Had to rip out the binding and knit a few more inches. Apparently I think my kids arms are super short. :)

Amy Lane said...

Damn your good...I would have rolled them up and stitched them in place... and called it a design element!