FROM dbo.InnerCritic
WHERE ReflectiveThought = TRUE
Anyone want the translation?
English hell:
SELECT * means select everything
FROM dbo.InnerCritic means from my head (AKA dbo.) inner critic (pretty self-descriptive name there)
WHERE ReflectiveThought = TRUE means where ever my self-esteem raises it's cute little head, inner critic has every right to go after said self-esteem with both barrels. (What can I say, I like action.)
"Yea, but that's HUGE."
Look at offending hat. "She did say, she wanted them larger than the normal ones I've been making her."
Here's where the logic goes south. Yes, it is big, but that's what she wanted. But if it's too big it won't sell. But it's BIG. The recursion of the internal conversation was wait for it, EPIC. Finally start ripping back on the ugly hat.
Decide on Friday - and I've been cleaning, CLEANING!! because my hobby is starting to not be fun - maybe I should call Mom and see if it's really too big.
Turns out she'll take the hat both HUGE and UGLY. I've already ripped back. It's now time to pick up those loose stitches and knit them. Because I didn't ask first.
I'm glad Friday's over and the weekend has begun.