The Aftermath...

I didn't finish my Olympic knitting. Due to an injury, I wasn't able to knit without pain. I'm getting to the point that I can knit for a while, with little problem.

Working on Mike's sock. He's happy, but he wants eight inch cuffs. He sucks!!

Mike's Socks
CO: 80 (28, 26, 26)K2, P2Pattern 7.5 inches.5 inches in St. stitch

KO: Day 9 (I think)

Went to karate Friday night. It was a good training. Learned quite a bit. Hurt myself, there's a story, but don't want to talk about it. : ( I haven't been able to knit. So, I've lost several days. I don't think I'll be making my goals. : (

I am feeling much better today. Still want to go slow. I'll need to go for a walk later. Need to do something to build up endurance. I have none.

I finished Nan's socks today. Will start on (thrumbed) mittens soon.

KO: Day 3 (or is it 4?)

The Monday that wasn't is going okay. The time gnomes are being nice today. The calls aren't to bad. I've brought a sock to work on. Was thinking I was going to bring the Olympic knitting, but I didn't want to bring the whole thing. Speaking of which, I'm behind. As of today, (12:44 PM) I've only got 20 squares done. I miscounted when I was planning my project. For some reason I put I needed to have 60 done, when I really needed 120. So I'm going to fail. :( I'll just do the best I can and call it good.

Went to karate last night. My legs were hurting last night, but today not even sore. I'll need to keep practicing to be stronger.

Knitting Olympics, Day 2

I'm so bummed, I lost my post from last night. I was waxing on about how I didn't think I'm going to be able to accomplish my project. I'm still thinking it will be tough, but I might get it done. I even had a time entries of me stalling.

I did figure out I can knit both colors at once. Which means I'm working on two, instead of one. I tried making four squares, but don't like how the colors mix on the purl side. The side that will be seen, so I'll have to only work two, then switch colors going up. Less sewing in the long run.

The Day is Over!

It's only two days away from the Olympics. I'm starting to get a bit nervous. I'm not going to get my sweater finished before Friday, so I'll have to put it aside until the 16 days are done. I can't believe how fast this week is going by. Since I've mentioned it, time will start dragging. :(

Jess had decided she wants to start going to Karate again. Having her back will be nice, so I won't worry about falling asleep on the way home.

I didn't get this posted yesterday, so I'll just add to it today. Karate was good last night. Made it to 8:30, probably could have went until 9. Sure am tired this morning. They're talking testing in March. March isn't that far away. Guess I'd better get cracking on practicing.

The Olympics are only one day away. A bit nervous and excited. I'm thinking after I clean house on Saturday, I can spend the day knitting. And I have Monday off as well! Another day of knitting! This afghan will be done in no time!!

I'm getting tired of dealing with whinny people at work. I'm soo happy I have Monday off. It will be nice to sleep in. I'll have to wake Mike up on Wednesday as I leave for work just to be spiteful.

The Day After...

Went to Karate last night, thought I was going to die. : ( I haven't done anything in the past three months and I can tell. I only stayed an hour. Feel pretty good today, not sore at all. I need to get on the bike and start building endurance. It's pretty sad that I can't even exercise for 30 minutes without taking a break.

Been working on Nan's sock. It's a white sock, it's just as boring as working on Mike's black socks, but I can see the stitches. Only have about an inch more to go before I'll start on the toes.
Last night was interesting. The power went out for an hour. Figured might as well go to bed, since I could barely keep my eyes open. Half an hour later, the power kicked back on and the radio blared. So I got up, turned off the lights and radio. Just could not go to sleep, until about 7:30. I do feel much better today.

Getting closer to being done with my sweater. Only worked two rows last night before the power went off and there was no light. Starting to get a bit excited about finishing it. I'll need to get a zipper and figure out how to put it in. The Big Book of Knitting has really good instructions, so it should be easy.

Today at work I feel like I'm not helping anyone. Well that's not completely true, but there are enough people I'm not helping to cancel out the ones I am. It just gets frustrating for me. As of the 5th I'll have been doing this job for 2 months. Wow. Only 16 more to go. :)