List Day

  • I counted one car at the bar this morning
  • Gas is at $2.73 per gallon
  • Nothing overly exciting is going on at work
  • I suppose that's a good thing, because it means we're doing our jobs right
  • The girls and I are going to have our nails done tomorrow
  • I'm going to tea with some knitter friends on Saturday
  • It's noon and I've done 3400 steps for the day
  • One of the cleaning crew came and vacuumed the bay out. Nice
  • We need to swing by the store on the way home tonight

1000 Words

Down the street on a cloudy spring day

Finished my dragon scale socks. They match pretty close.

Finished a second pair of acrylics for the MIL. They're a fast knit.

I started a pair of socks for Grilltech. A pair for me, and then a pair for him. But Ruby (grrr Ruby) likes to chew on yarn. I try to tuck it away so she can't find it, but some how she does.


Today Grilltech and I took the day off of work. It was nice to sleep in. While we didn't work, we did things.

A month ago, Grilltech mentioned he wanted his guns cleaned. While my parents was over last week, I mentioned it to my Dad, who was more then willing to help out. Today, we went to their house and while Grilltech cleaned, I knitted.

I've finished the cuff of my sock and I'm ready to start the leg. I've decided to do the dragon pattern I've done in the past, but I can't find the written pattern. GRRRR So I need to figure out how to do it again. Math will be the death of me.

1000 Words

Down the street on a nice spring day. The day before had been raining.

Grilltech's Neon Socks. He calls them his Seahawks Socks. He wore them to work today.

A pair of socks for Grilltech's mom. She prefers acrylic, they are cheap to make.

A pair of socks for me. Finished a while ago.

A dishcloth set that Perky claimed. Usually I can two whole cloths from one ball, but not in this case.

Ruby looking ready to take on the world. She's a bit bigger since that photo.

List Day

  • I counted one car at the bar this morning
  • Gas is up to $2.61 per gallon
  • I'm having a hard time working, I'd much rather be home knitting and playing with kitties
  • The balance board is working again, just took a sync
  • It's funny how I'm finding long hairs (mine) in various places, that wasn't there 10 minute ago
  • It's nice to have the sun out after two days of clouds/rain
  • Cubemate has a happy light that he's using. Don't understand why, the sun is out
  • I wish the day would hurry along
  • Tonight Grilltech and I are going to talk to a travel agent
  • Our friends are telling us to gather all the information and tell them
  • The day is still going slowly


Last night, I go to get on the balance board for the Wii and it won't power up. WTH? I replaced the batteries and still no power up. Sigh. I just put it away and figure we'll need to buy a new one.

After some research, I should have tried to sync the board. I'll try it tonight and see if it works.

Wish me luck.

Weekend Recap

It was a nice weekend. The kids came over from Easter Dinner. We feasted, played games, and chatted a bit. Four person Mario is crazy. We kept getting into each other way and bumping them into a warp. (A long time ago, back when the Nintendo game system first came out, we would see a hole and tell the neighbor hood kids there's a warp down there. They'd die and they're turn would be over. Yes, it was mean of us, but it was funny.)

On Saturday, a group of us got together can did some crafting. I worked on Grilltech's sock - almost done with the instep. C hemmed a skirt. Night Owl worked on her socks - once she got there. And the Eldest started work on some earrings. It was quite the diverse group.

I called Grilltech's mom and chatted with her a bit. She'd like another pair of the knit socks, but for the life of me, I can't remember what I made hers from. I'm thinking it was red heart. I'll pick more up and get her a pair for Mother's day made. Birthday, Mother's day, whatever.

We still have some pizza left over. I meant to send that home with the Eldest, but didn't remember it. So I've got some pizza to eat before it goes bad. Poor me.

List Day

  • There was no cars at the bar this morning
  • Gas is holding at $2.59 per gallon
  • I haven't gotten on the Wii to weigh myself again yet, so I don't know how much the liar says I weigh now
  • The soda machine won't take my dollar - it's a coin - so I'm drinking water
  • Water is probably better for me anyway
  • Now I can't access the shared mail box, it keeps telling me how much I suck or something like that
  • Good heavens woman, I'm in the next cube over and I can smell your perfume. Maybe you should cut back a bit?
  • So, I was right. Maybe I know what I'm talking about
  • Stop waving your carb-y goodness in front of my face, I can't shouldn't have those
  • I've broken more nails in the past two weeks then I have in the past two years.... no more GELS!!!
  • Planning on picking up Baby Bird, and keeping her over night
  • hmmmm carb Friday
  • Good night everyone