1000 Words

Down the street on a snowy winter/spring day.

Today I'm saying good bye to things that can't be fixed.

Somehow Perky broke the shawl I made

Somehow the socks I made for me developed a hole in them. In the instep. Don't get it.

Grilltech's socks are worn out. He was very saddened when I told him he was loosing two pairs.

Another pair of Grilltech socks going away.

List Day

  • Woke up to snow this morning
  • Gas is at $2.51 per gallon
  • There was one car at the coffee shop
  • Really, you're calling out because of the road conditions? (Less than two inches of snow on the roads)
  • I have eight more rows to go on chart B
  • I'm having to exit the program, again
  • Showing someone how to do something, I think I remember how
  • Have a good evening

Moving On

Made it to chart B. I'm so excited.

1000 Words

Down the street on a wintery/spring day

Finished a washcloth

The cowl unblocked for the Eldest

The cowl blocked, I think it's upside down

A sock for Grilltech, started the second one

List Day

  • Gas is at $2.57 per gallon
  • There was four cars at the coffee shop today
  • Really? You want me to make changes for two months ago? No, not going to happen
  • Well hell, looks like I forgot to run the report for last month
  • Reports are straightened out
  • It's snowing out there! BLEH
  • Be safe out there, and have a good night

List Day

  • Gas is at $2.51 per gallon
  • There was one car at the coffee shop
  • Five more weeks of winter, I can live with that
  • Had to change my password today
  • Getting frustrated with writing some code, it's just not working
  • Accidentally picked a regular soda, not diet, the flavor is different
  • Oh yea, we don't have a trash can in the bay anymore
  • Day is almost over
  • We're stopping by the bread store on the way home. YUM!
  • Have a good evening