I got nothin'

Saturday, Perky and I spent the day watching Supernatural. (Or as Perky puts it Yummy, yummy hot guys.) I really enjoy the show. I have a couple of issues. Very first episode. Dean and Sam are going at each other using karate. Here in season two, they're brawling. Please. And Sam, get a hair cut. Every time I look at you, all I see is Chekov.

So after nine straight hours of Supernatural, my dreams that night were of ghost hunting. It was very strange. And Dean wasn't even in my dreams. (Much to Grilltech's relief...)


Mr. Shife said...

I got nothing either. I have never seen the show you wrote about but it sounds interesting. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Perkygoth said...

Yes they are yummie :) so when is are we doing the next marathon in the suppernatural show so that i can get my yummie yummie hot guy fix?

emicat said...

I've watched a few episodes here and there but now we decided to add it to our netflix queue and start from the first season.

I think my mom watches it because she says the guys are "cute" hehe

Amy Lane said...

How could you watch 9 hours of Supernatural and not even dream of Dean? Now THAT'S strange!