List Day!

  • Two parked cars, one car leaving the parking lot and a BBQ at the bar this morning.

  • I'd much rather be home, in a warm bed.

  • Grilltech put his container of (soy) milk in the lunch bag; which spilled all over the current sock.

  • I was not happy.

  • Who says poking the boss with a stick isn't fun?

  • People, you don't need to call in if you're one minute late.

  • Nor do I need to call two phone calls to tell me your sick.

  • The answer to do you know who replaced him is not no.

  • Swearing at the database does not make it work faster.

  • Apparently neither does threatening to gather up all it's threads and knit a hat with them.

  • The Trainer is evil.

  • Okay, she's not evil. The routine is evil.

  • I've starting wearing the wedding ring on a chain.

  • I haven't been this skinny since 1999.

  • I'll be meeting up with C tonight and hearing about her new beau.

  • Good night all, and remember to tip your wait staff...


Galad said...

Now you've got GrillTech going to the gym too! You are going to be one healthy, fit family (wish I could say the same about ours).

By the way, I think you need to invent a database that goes faster when you swear at it. You could be rich!

Amy Lane said...

Oooh... was it a soy sock? Because that could be sort of cool (but you still wouldn't be happy!!) Huzzah on the skinny, darlin--you totally rock!