Before Dinner Drinks

Not sure what was going on, DB watched bad trideo until it was time to get ready for his dinner meet. The hotel and text was disturbing, but they could wait.

He arrived at Le Pier about 30 minutes early. Sometimes it was good to scope out the location beforehand. The bar was full of waiting people. DB didn’t even bother to try and look at the dining floor, instead he went to the bar. Lucky for him, someone walked away from the counter leaving him a space. Next to a pretty woman. This was his day.

He said down and ordered his vodka drink.

“Would you like to hear a story?” A familiar voice asked.

DB froze. Bunny. But how? She was dead and her spirit was haunting him. “Sure, let’s hear this story.”

“You sell the coin. And two weeks later, your world crashes down around you.” She took a sip of her drink.

The bartender brought his drink over and left.

DB took a large swallow. “How much?”

Bunny blinked and leaned into him. “An obscene amount.”

Usually he’d enjoy a beautiful woman hanging on him, but with her? They had too much bad history for any of that.

“That’s pretty cryptic. Care to share any details?” He asked.

"Care to tell me how I died?" She replied.

DB narrowed his eyes, thinking of the last time he saw her in person, then he shook his head.

“No. That would be giving you something for nothing.”

World crashing? It sounds like she was just trying to stir up trouble. “Yea, I’ll take my chances.”

She laughed. “You don’t believe me. Fine.” She shrugged. “Give me a number.”


She shook her head. “Too easy.”

“17” He swallowed half his drink.

“The man behind you will get a call and have to leave.” She pointed towards a table a couple meters away. “The woman in green will excuse herself and not come back. The man with the red tie will order a martini. A woman in a large fur coat will demand to be seated right away. The couple three tables over, will be engaged.” She leaned in and touched his arm. “He was going to wait until dessert, but he can’t wait to ask her. The bartender will ask if you want a refill.”

Things started happening like she said it would. He plucked the small bug she had planted on him from his sleeve and tucked it in her cleavage.

He let her drone on. There was merits to keeping the coin. Course, the same could be said for selling it. It was done and gone. The bartender brought him another drink.

List Day

  • Gas is at $2.85 per gallon
  • There was no one at the coffee shop, it wasn't open yet
  • I need to rake the back yard. The leaves are piling up
  • Dreamed about snow last night
  • What do you mean, you're going to send me more?
  • The clock on the wall is still an hour ahead. I keep looking at it and thinking, that much closer to going home. Not
  • I've already done that, if you'd checked your email you'd know
  • Dude, I don't know, I don't deal with that
  • Have a good evening

1000 Words

Down the street on a fall day. The calendar says fall. But the weather is leaning towards winter. Its time to bring out the winter coats. Which means I need to get Pink Bird and I new coats. I'll drag Grilltech along to see if he can find a new one he likes more the one he has.

I've been knitting, I swear. It just seems to be dishcloths. A total of five. When?

Newest member of the family. Her name is Zharr. It's Dwarven for fire. When you look up her name on google, you get Chaos Dwarves for 40K. Apparently, Zharr is a follower of Nurgle: the Chaos God of plague, despair, disease and death. (Because when she came to us, she had an eye infection and ear mites.)


DB woke about his normal time of 1000. Instead of heading out to the plaza to do some busking, he went to BC's place. There was more room for him to work there. He altered his features and drove over.

The workroom was large; he put the coin in the middle of the room. An hour and a half it took him part way to finishing his ward. He was careful to get the sigils just right. At some point, he realized Lilith – his mentor – was leaning against the wall watching him.

“What do you think of Bunny? Can I trust her?” BC asked.

“I wouldn’t.” She seemed bored.

“Do you think the coin and Bunny are evil?” He asked trying to get more insight.

“I don’t think they’re evil, just used for bad intentions.” She didn’t point out he was asking the wrong question. Lilith would leave him to figure that out on his own. Sometimes fate was a harsh teacher.

Once he finished the ward, she looked it over. “I’d add a time element.”

Lilith drew a sigil he’d never seen before. It hung in the air while he copied it.

“Should I just sell this coin?”

Lilith smiled, her delicate fangs showing. “Think of all the things you could do it with. Think of power. Think of the danger.” She never did give him a solid answer.

Another hour and he the wards were completed. The sigils glowed with magic. His magic.

“Are you sure you should be doing this?” Lilith asked. “It’s dangerous, messing with time.” She stopped.

“I need to know.” He said.

“How many times have you done this?”

“Once.” He paused. “I think. I don’t know I’ve been getting some strange things.”

Lilith shook her head, but said nothing.

He stepped over the chalked sigils, careful not to disturb them. His world changed.

He was at the party meeting the Countess again. Time was flowing slowly. He felt a hand on his shoulder and a voice whispering in his ear. “She’s judging you. She doesn’t think much of you. You barely have a high school education. I can make you amazing negotiator. All you have to do is grab the coin.”

BC’s hand started sliding towards the coin, but he didn’t touch it. Shaking his head, he stepped out scuffing the ward.

“How long was I gone?” BC asked.

Lilith shrugged. “Not long at all, less than a minute.”

“How can I thank you for the help?” BC said with a sly smile.

She reached out and ran her hand over his chest. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

An hour later, BC broke the ward down completely. He altered his features, and left to go back to DB’s house. Sometimes it was a pain in the ass to maintain two houses. However, the benefits made it worth it.

DB checked the time. He had about five hours before his dinner. Checking his email, he found an attachment from BC. A floor plan for a hotel. Odd, he didn’t remember sending it.

Two hours later, he got a text from Miz Johnson. “I’ve got the hotel security. I’m ready when you are.”

What was going on?

At the Party

DB took a long hot shower. He shaved and pulled out one of his black silk suit. He spent the rest of his afternoon watching bad trideo.

At 18:55, the limo showed up. The driver, James, got out and opened the door for him. As usual, Mrs. Latham was not there. He rode in silence to her house.

“Darling, you look amazing.” He said kissing her cheek.

“Thank you.” She smiled.

They made small talk on the drive to the Seattle Art Museum. Tonight’s opening show was on ancient Rome. DB smiled. More information for him.

Columns and vines decorated the room. The wait staff was dressed in togas, carrying trays of champagne and finger foods. Crowds of rich people looking at the display before the public even got the chance.

People came and went, chatting with Mrs. Latham about business. DB kept half an ear on the conversation, while letting his mind wander. She excused herself and left him alone.

“Quite the display, isn’t it?” A man in his mid-thirties approached DB.

DB looked around the room. “Yes. Nice to meet you. Dirk Benedict.” He held out his hand, while quickly doing a social media check on the man before him.

“Anthony Keddis.” He shook DB’s hand. “Call me, we should do lunch sometime soon.”

DB smiled. Information started filling his commlink. Anthony Keddis, president of Widgets Inc. More information about Keddis’ company filled his feed. Married. Two kids. Boring wage slave. He nodded. “I’ll do that.” Keddis sent him a digital card and left before Mrs. Latham came back.

Together they walked the display, coins, jewelry, textiles, and scrolls. One of the scrolls caught DB’s attention. Janus.

DB stared at the scroll, wishing desperately he could read it. The HUD said the scroll talked about the day of the life of an acolyte. How long he stood at the scroll, he couldn’t say.

“It’s not the one you want.” A woman’s voice cut into his thoughts.

DB stiffened, it was her the woman from the house. He turned and smiled.

“And where would be the one I wanted?” He asked. Quickly he did a social media check on her.

“Safely tucked away.” She answered.

Information started pouring in. Lara Croft. Aid De Camp to Countess Isabel Santora. “Maybe I can find it.”

“Maybe I should kill you and take the coin from you cold dead body, but the Countess doesn’t like that idea.” She replied.

DB swallowed. “I don’t like that idea either; maybe I should be talking to your boss.”

Lara pursed her lips and nodded. “Come with me.”

She put her arm through his and led him to another room. She spoke in rapid Italian to an older woman. She released his arm and stepped back.

“Hello. I am Countess Isabel Santora.” She looked him up and down. “You’re the one that has been vexing Lara. Keep up the good work.” She took his arm and strolled up the aisle. “We should do dinner. Tomorrow night?”

DB nodded.

They continued up the aisle for several more meters. Lara joined them. Her smile was brittle. “Dinner at Le Pier at 2000.” She sent DB a reminder. “Anything else?”

The Countess shook her head. “Thank you.” She smiled broadly at DB. “Until tomorrow.” She then took her leave.

DB went in search of a drink. The line at the open bar was a bit long. DB found himself next to Joel Winestead. Joel obviously had a few too many drinks. It took a few seconds, but DB recognized him. Misti Davenhert’s consort.

“Quite the night isn’t it?” DB said.

Joel nodded. “I’ll be glad when it’s over, so I can take this monkey suit off.”

“How is Misti doing?” DB changing the subject.

“Pretty good, she has a meeting with NeoNet tomorrow.” Joel hiccupped.

DB smiled. “Hope things go good.” He filed that piece of information. He ordered a Vodka drink for himself and a slow Gin for Mrs. Latham.

He found her chatting with other board members. They stopped once he showed up, which was somewhat annoying, but understandable.

The end of the evening found them both in the limo. DB ran his hand over her knee, pushing a bit of magic into the caress. He was very pleased when she shuddered. They made out like teenagers until her house.

James opened the door, and offered his hand to Mrs. Latham. She got out of the car, but her hand out to stop him from getting out. “James will take you home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Confused DB stayed in the car.