In the Plaza

DB was busking in the crowed plaza. Tricks of juggling fireballs or phantom dragons flying out of his hat made people gasp. Some even flipped him a credit or two. A bike messenger burst into the empty space where DB was doing tricks and ran into him. They both tumbled to the ground. The guy was up and moving again, before DB even realized what had happened. He got to his feet slowly brushing dirt from his jacket.

 A couple of nano seconds later, two men hurdled their way after the messenger. Tires could be heard screeching and a sickening thud could be heard. The group of people who had been around him, disappeared. DB watched as the two chasers, moved the messenger into the back of the SUV that struck him and took off. The crowd's mood changed with the action. DB figured it was time to leave. He picked up the few props he had and started to his car parked in the garage several blocks away.

DB checked his pocket for the FOB.  Instead he pulled out a thumb drive that wasn't his.  It was going to be one of those types of days.  What was on it that people would be willing to kill for?

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