Klingon Socks!

I left my gym bag at home, which is just as well, the wet swim suit and towel I left in it from yesterday won't do me any good. I suppose I could swim again. If I had remembered to bring it. So, tonight I'll go home and do a video. I did a 30 minute video about a week ago, I about died! Sure, I can do 30 minutes of cardio, 45 minutes of weights, and another 30 of cardio; but that video... I'm thinking it's because I'm using a whole bunch of different muscles. (That had better be the reason, or I'll be really upset.)

I've almost finished the body of the pink blob secret knitting. Only two small bits (pink bits... hahahaha) to knit up after the body is completed. My sock is still in time out, so I've got a hawk colored sock on the needles for Grilltech. Hawk - Bird of Prey - Klingon socks? Or should it be Romulan? Now I have to look it up. Turns out both the Romulan's and Klingon's had Bird's of Prey ships. So I'm going to go with the kewler name: IKS Socks. I really doubt they'll be done by this weekend, so he won't be able to wear them to the opening of Star Trek the Movie.

I'm still on the fence on above mentioned movie. I think it will be an excellent action flick. But I'm not really sure I want to go see it in the theater. We do go purchase bulk tickets at the $200 store, so its not that big of a deal if I do decide to go. It will mean I'll need to get up a bit earlier than normal and cook breakfast before we go. I'm going to cook breakfast even if I don't go, so that's not a big deal.

I didn't get the whole hour of my DVD done, I was wore out. Figure I'll keep practicing soon I'll be doing the whole thing with little effort.


Galad said...

Keep working on that video - you'll be breezing through it soon (says the woman with her fat ass firmly planted on the couch)

Amy Lane said...

Definitely keep working that video--and I'm SOOOO going to be there for Star TRek. (Supernatural BROKE MY HEART tonight--I need something else to tide me over until it doesn't suck anymore.)

roxie said...

Bird of Prey - Klingon. Awesome idea for socks!

As for the video, you just need to get used to it. On Dancing with the Stars, even the gymnasts and iceskaters complain because dancing uses different muscles in different ways. (The football players spend the first six weeks crying themselves to sleep.)