I'm glad it's over....

For the life of me, I can't figure out how some of my cow-orkers managed to make it this far in life. It does take a certain amount of intellect to work here. Whining to me, a link - a URL link - doesn't work because you're a lazy assed trouble shooter, doesn't make me happy. In fact it lowers, my already low opinion of you. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if the URL doesn't work, you're not using the whole fucking link. Yes, I do feel better now.

No knitting last night. Instead I worked on silver wire that one day will become a bracelet. It's a learning process. Grilltech told me, don't take up a new expensive hobby. I guess knitting is enough. Not that I'm really that interested in jewelry making. Altho... I've got some really good ideas on bracelets...

And I can only conclude Perky hates me. Why? She made brownies last night. I can resist crap food at work. It's easy to say, no to shrimp flavored Cheetos and please move your chocolate covered doughnuts to the other side so I won't see them. Its not so easy to avoid the kitchen in my own house. She hates me.


Perkygoth said...

i thought you were making something sharp so you could stab some of the cow-orkers that annoy you to no end

Galad said...

Maybe you could make something sharp and attractive?

Perkygoth said...

i didn't think that i hate you i'm just tired of the weigh in saying that you lost weight and i didn't.. i can resist my own cooking because i know that i don't need to eat the junk food. :D

emicat said...

hehhe I have co-workers like that too. Is it weird that I'm one of the weirdos who'd be intrigued by the shrimp flavored cheetos? :)

BTW I've nominated you for a blog award! :)

Carrie Penny said...

I need to find some of my lower calorie/low fat brownie recipies so you can make them and not share them. They taste normal, but guiltless.

Amy Lane said...

My cow-workers all assume I'm stupid because I write genre fiction... I play into that and laugh at them behind their backs...