You'll find it funny....

Anxiety dreams. They come in various flavors; but two basic types. The I'm looking for something, but can't find it. The some one or thing is chasing me. The chasing and/or hunting dreams usually take place in a hotel or on the freeway. The hotel is huge with many elevators, escalators, and stairs. There are multiple lobbies are on different floors. The windows are large and I'm not really sure what they look over. The elevators have the rows of buttons that go on forever. The best part? The hotel is a giant oak tree. The freeway? A nightmare of clover leafs and off/on ramps that cross lanes of traffic which may be bumper to bumper or not. Of course what ever I want is usually the hardest place to reach in a vehicle.

The hunting for someone or items usually take place in a school and/or gas station. The school is a generic school which can be found in any large city. Three or four floors, rooms filled with students and teachers; and lockers as far as the eye can see. I can never find my locker or when I do find it I can't remember the combination. When the locker does open, the book I want is never there. I can't find the class room I want, The combination of events can be pretty endless, but you get the idea.

Last night's dream? Started out in a school, but it wasn't normal. My knitting was missing and I was hunting through the world largest stash for my knitting. A first for me.

The mallard sweater has grown another couple of rounds. I still have many inches to go. I'm not measuring until I'm somewhat closer to the desired length. It's really starting to turn out well. The shawl. OMG. It's almost my new crack!! I'm almost done with the second chart, well about half way with the second chart. The colors remind me of the incredible sunrises and sunsets; orange, yellow, pink, and purple. It's just lovely. I can't do much of anything else but watch the pattern while working on the shawl. I'll bring it on the trip because I'd like to believe I'll have time to work on it. It won't make a good car project. However the mallard sweater will.

Grilltech and I work together. He's on one side of the building and I'm on the other, so it's a good thing. We can car pool and save money. During breaks and lunches if I have time, I'll go sit with him and chat up co-workers. So I was surprised when Grilltech told me, about a conversation he had with one of the guys. Add Knittech your friends list, she can answer your question. The cow-orker responds with but I don't know her last name! Yea...


Galad said...

We'll need pictures of your progress soon. The shawl sounds gorgeous.

My chasing dreams always involve dark rooms and lights that won't turn on. I always did like a good night light :-)

Amy Lane said...

That's wayyyy too funny! They didn't know you were married! And that anxiety dream does sound familiar...