I didn't drive, so I had four-five hours of prime knitting time. I made Dad a hat for Father's day. He really liked it and wants a burgundy one. It's a fairly quick knit, so I can most likely do three or four more for Christmas.
My sweater. I was ready to put it in time out and I've only completed the ribbing on it!! Swatch, check. Cast on, check. Count twice, check. Complete ribbing, check. Do the math for the pattern. Count again, check. Swear loudly, check, check, CHECK!
I'm unable to figure out how 12 extra stitches showed up. Redo the math. Count the pattern out, it's not working. Swear some more. Check the math. It's correct. Recount. It's back to the original number. Swear more. Put the sweater down and consider taking up stamp collecting.
Redo the math - again. Count the pattern out. This time, I don't stop at the half way mark. Do the whole thing. Off by one. Figure I can live with that. Put the sweater down. Come back ten minutes later. Recount. Find one section with an extra stitch, move them all down. Put sweater down, and do the happy dance. Maybe today, I'll get around to starting the pattern.
I've started the toe on Perky's second sock. Which means I'll be starting another set here soon. I'll need to decide how or what I want to do with them. I'm thinking I might want to knit myself a pair of anklets. I'm liking the tofuies, it's a nice summery yarn. It's starting to get warm, too warm to wear the wool socks.
I'm in meeting hell, pray for me guys....
And now for something completely different: (A Me-me Tag from Amy)
You have been meme-tagged. Pick up the nearest book. Open on page 123. Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.
I'm not even reading this book, someone left it at the movie theater and I couldn't stand to see it abandoned. Title: The King's Buccaneer by Raymond E Feist
To the southwest, a giant plume of black somke rose into the sky, a terrible sign of destruction. The old mercenary said, "At least half the town, from the look of it."
Without comment, Garret resumed his trot and the others fell in behind.
Tag: Grilltech, Red, Trish, and Lenya
Sounds like you had a good time in Las Vegas. We are only a couple of hours away and only go when we are flying out of the airport.
So do the winnings go to increasing your stash :-)
Excellent time in Vegas--great place to be knitting in public!!! (And Galad has me curious--do the winnings increase your stash?)
That's my sock! And i'm Wearing them right now!
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