Monday, November 19th

Happy Monday. The day is almost over. This morning, I did my normal routine. I ate, I read blogs, I knitted for a while. One of my new Lantern Moon needle broke. I had been worried that one was a bit more flexible then the others. Sure enough, this morning while doing an SSK it snapped. Now I need to look up what their replacement policy, which they don't post on the web site. I e-mailed customer service. Now I'm waiting impatiently for them to get back to me. (tap, tap, tap)

In the mean time, it's pouring rain. I forgot to pull out the hamburger for dinner tonight, so we're having a canned meal. Either chili and tamales or something else I can't even think of currently. I'll need to pull the burger when I get home.

I'm wanting to finish the shawl soon, so I'll need to start working on it. Maybe I'll get it done this weekend. (Stop laughing, it could happen...)

And now for something completely different:(from Grilltech)

We scored the same, I wonder why....

1 comment:

Lovs2Knit said...

From what I understand Lantern Moon will replace the broken needle. From what I understand they are slow to respond to emails.

No rain here, just snow and cold!