Thursday, July 12th

It's hot. I'm sure you've heard me whine about the heat before, and will again before the summer is over. Right now, I'm waiting for the air conditioning to make the house cooler. Then I can knit. I knit last night, four rows on the shawl. Hope to get four or more done tonight.

Went to the dentist today. I have to go back next month. Blah. They want to replace a older filling. I'm hoping to only have to work half a day tomorrow. It all depends on the overtime mandate. (Grilltech forget you saw that.)

Stay cool everyone.


Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to wonder if this heat is ever going to go away. I hate triple digit temps.

Amy Lane said...

Uh-oh--you guys get it, then we get it here...we've been enjoying a real mild streak... bummer.