Wednesday, May 30th

For those of you who read Grilltech you already know. I'd like to introduce you to Robin Kaye. She was born on 05-26-07 at 0926. She's a little thing at 6.8 pounds and 18 inches. (Her mother was 9.5 pounds and 21 inches.) Like most babies, she likes to eat, sleep, and other things... I spent most of Saturday and Sunday, refraining from walking up to strangers and annoying announcing proudly, I'm a grandma. I do have some self restraint. I did wait four days to tell my internet friends.

I've finished off the second skein for the sweater. I'm stalled. Not quite sure if I should add more length or not. Once again, I'm just making it harder then it really is, I should just put the sleeves on and knit. Once again I'll be putting some cabling around the decreases, because it gives me something to look forward to. I'm thinking of doing the three cabled braid.

Work is well, work. The database here at the mine is down. It went down yesterday afternoon and hasn't made it back up yet. We're unable to do much of anything, log the calls and wait and wait, and wait. I can't even knit and it's killing me. However, I am thinking about what I should be knitting for the baby bird.


GrillTech said...

Well if any of your internet fans read my blog they aren't commenting.. :> With the exception of Leyna and she's both our friend.

Heather said...

i wondered why you were waiting so darn long to get the news (photos) up. was hoping there would be more then just the two of them tho!.... congrats Grandma.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Grandma!
Robin Kaye is beautiful. She'll have all that cute baby chubbiness before you know it. :~)

My mom enjoyed telling everyone that she was a grandma. Now she has 2 grandbabies and one more on the way. :~)

Sandra said...

way to go grandma!
My Mom always said being a mom was the best, but being a grandma is even better!

Carrie Penny said...

Congrats! Now it is time for spoiling!

sheila said...

Congrats on the new arrival! Sh eis adaorable! I am sure that she will keep you busy with tons of knitting projects!

Amy Lane said...

Oh how wonderful--congratulations!!! Babies! You get to watch another baby grow!!! (As my youngest grows, my one consolation is that my oldest are only ten or fifteen years away from giving me grandbabies...)