I've always coveted the bar's off to the side that tracked the progress. Over at Trish's blog, she posted where to find the code. So now I have the progress bars.
I was wrong, stuff is going in the mail today. Nameless One's sweater is still in purgatory.
I'm so very tired. Can hardly keep my eyes open today. I'm sure Grilltech will say I'm being very mean to him.
I've been slacking on my walking. I do try to walk every other day. I've been plotting a little. With so much knitting to do, I've not been worldbuilding. Stray thoughts go through my head and once in a while I write it down.
1 comment:
Glad to see that you've got your WIP sidebar working. I did a lot of head smacking not to mention searching on the internet before I found the solution...lol.
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